Friday 30 October 2009

Pattern Development

Further to the two dimensional development of the patterns, I began to consider the 3-dimensionality of the lines and shapes. Certain rules were applied to the patterns, which would enable this process to begin.

1. Folded ribbons based upon the geometry of components 3-6 (as shown in previous post), to create a layered field:

2. Folded vertical planes, based around the location and geometry of components 1-2. Where the pattern breaks down into chaos, the fold breaks. Horizontal planes are located within the recesses on the right, the heights of which were dependent upon the shade of the component below. Darker components for example become synonymous with dark conditions, and lower horizontal planes:

3. Folded vertical planes, based around the location and geometry of components 3-6. Where the pattern breaks down into chaos, the fold breaks. Ramps are located over components 1-2, the trajectory is determined by the shade of the component below (the darker shades cause the ramp to slope downwards):

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